    t0txt: command line pastebin.

    <command> | curl -F 'txt=<-' https://txt.t0.vc
    or upload from the web:

CAPTCHA: Who owns this site?
DESCRIPTION I got sick of sprunge.us always going down, so I built this EXAMPLES ~$ cat yourfile | curl -F 'txt=<-' https://txt.t0.vc https://txt.t0.vc/MOJV ~$ firefox https://txt.t0.vc/MOJV Add this to your .bashrc: alias txt=" \ sed -r 's/\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g' \ | curl -F 'txt=<-' https://txt.t0.vc" Now you can pipe directly into txt! Sed removes colours. SOURCE CODE https://txt.t0.vc/GPBV https://github.com/tannercollin/t0txt SEE ALSO https://pic.t0.vc https://url.t0.vc http://github.com/rupa/sprunge